Tag: Investment

Posted on 09/12/2021
"Subject-to" Real Estate Pros & Cons
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay When you're considering buying real estate as an investment, it's a good idea to weigh the pros and cons. That's especially important with "subject-to" real estate, because there can be risks and rewards with this type of property that are different from traditional purchases. Here's what you should be considering, before you...
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Posted on 01/10/2021
The Alphabet of Real Estate Investing
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay If you're considering getting into the world of real estate investing, there are some basic terms that are important to understand. Buying and selling property is, of course, one way to invest, but there are other investments that offer favorable returns. However, it can sometimes be difficult to master the confusing alphabet...
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Posted on 09/06/2020
Want to Invest in Your Own Home?
Photo by Paul McGowan via Pixabay Already a homeowner? Planning to sell in a few years? Sometimes the most sensible investment on the table is the property you already own. Why Invest In Your Own Property? Some investors think of each residence as a sort of long-term flip: buy a home, live in it for a couple of...
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Posted on 05/10/2020
Invest or Pay Down Your Mortgage Quicker - Which is Better?
Photo by Andrey_Popov via Shutterstock Often, when discussing ways to get out of debt, the subject of “mortgage versus investments” comes up. If you have a mortgage, your monthly budget likely revolves around paying it first, meaning investment ideas take a back seat. One way to free money up to invest is to pay off the mortgage, and...
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